Since 61 Mech’s earliest days new members were expected to swear an oath of loyalty when they were taken into the unit. The tradition of the pledge of loyalty, which had died out for a period of years, but was re-instituted by Visagie’s predecessor, Lieutenant-Colonel Jaap Steyn, and was thereafter proudly maintained till 61 Mech was closed down.
Newly appointed officers and NCOs were expected to pledge their loyalty to the unit in the presence of their peers and superiors. This ceremony was conducted at first light on consecutive mornings, first for officers and then NCOs. The newcomers would assemble before first light in front of the unit memorial, with the colours uncased, the pennants on display and the 61Mech regimental Bible in the hands of the chaplain.
Then at first light the commanding officer and chaplain would welcome the newcomers, each of whom would place his hand on the Bible and read out the pledge of loyalty to 61 Mech – a simple but never-to-be-forgotten ceremony for the participants.