61 Mech Stories

Ops carried out on target Bravo on the 4th May 1978

Before we rode actually into the base and physically took part in the fight, I noticed that our crew was particularly aggressive at that stage of the game. I think we still had butterflies but the minute the fight started all was forgotten.

The first time through the base I shot at a lot of terrs. But how many I hit I don’t know can only claim one definitely killed.

When we came back the second time I noticed the gearbox had packed up and the driver was driving on the manual gears. But we had a good go at quite a few others on the way in and out.

After that we all disembarked and started a search back then through the base. That is when we got all the prisoners and shot those that tried to get away. I treated quite a few of the wounded and injured patients. I do not know how many I treated but it was a hell of a lot.

At one stage I was called to treat one of our own guys, who was apparently shot and injured by one of our own forces.

We first put a drip up on him as at that stage I could see no blood, then I took off his boot and examined the bullet wound on his left foot. It had split open the whole underside of this foot. So I put pressure bandages on and stopped the bleeding. After that we evacuated him to the medical post.

After that I went on treating medical cases as there was a hell of a lot.

The night of the 4th - 5th May 78 we slept in Angola. The following day we withdrew from Angola.